All About Dental Crowns

Do you need a dental crown? You could be facing numerous issues with your teeth. Sometimes, you won’t even realize until your dentist points them out during your appointment. Fortunately, even if you detect dental issues a bit later than usual, a suitable treatment is available. Sure, late treatment can lead to many further complications, but better late than never!

Dental crowns are one of the most common dental treatments for teeth that have suffered from damage or are open from the top. These are caps that dentists put over your tooth, and they’re made from different materials according to your requirements. If you plan on getting a dental crown or want to find out if you need one, read further below.

All about dental crowns

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns help fix a damaged or decayed tooth by placing a cap over the tooth. There are many reasons your teeth can suffer from damage, such as an injury, tooth decay, or any other dental issue. Sometimes, your tooth may lose its shape and size as well. This calls for a dental crown, which is an artificial tooth-shaped cap. The dentist places these over the required tooth. With the help of the dental crown, your tooth’s shape improves, and it looks better.

Reasons Why You May Need a Dental Cap

As mentioned earlier, the need for a dental crown derives from many dental issues. Mentioned below are reasons you may require a dental cap:

  • If your tooth has a large filling and not much tooth left, you need to cover it with a dental crown
  • To cover your dental implant
  • To hold a dental bridge in one place
  • To cover your tooth that has gone through a root canal
  • To protect a decayed tooth as this will prevent it from breaking and keep it together in case of a cracked tooth.
  • To restore a previously broken tooth
  • To cover a discolored or misshapen tooth

The Risks of Getting a Dental Crown

Despite its benefits, there are a few risks of getting a dental crown. Mentioned below are the possible risks of getting a dental crown:

Your Crown Starts Loosening

After getting a dental crown, there is a chance that the cementing holding the crown washes out from underneath. This causes the crown to loosen up, making way for bacteria to enter and cause tooth decay. The moment you feel like your crown is loose, consult your dentist.

Prone to an Allergic Reaction

Dental crowns comprise different materials. There’s a chance that you develop an allergic reaction to the porcelain or metal used in the dental crown. This is only worrisome for people who are prone to having different allergic reactions.

Teeth Become More Sensitive

Once you get a dental crown, your teeth grow more sensitive, especially once the anesthesia from the surgery starts to wear off. You will experience major sensitivity if there is still a nerve in the crowned tooth. If the sensitivity worsens, you must seek help from your dentist immediately.

The appearance of a Dark Line

If you have a porcelain metal crown, it is most likely that you will see a dark line on the crown tooth next to the gum line. The line may look odd and affect the appearance of your teeth.

Dental crowns | Dentists NY

Your Crown May Chip

In some cases, a dental crown can chip, especially if it is made from porcelain. If it chips, you need to replace the entire crown. This is especially if a large part of your crown chips off.

How Much Do Dental Crowns Cost?

The cost of dental crowns varies in every clinic and region. On average, you might have to pay around $800 to $1500. Sometimes, it can cost even more, depending on the dental clinic or practice you visit. Moreover, the material that will make up the crown also affects the total price you pay. Some dental crowns are metal-based, which is cheaper than porcelain or gold crown.

Some dental crown procedures require extensive preparation. So much so that you may need to go for a dental implant or root canal before your dental crown procedure. Consequently, the overall cost of getting a dental crown increases drastically. If your insurance policy covers dental procedures, you don’t have to worry about how expensive a dental crown gets. But before scheduling an appointment for the procedure, make sure to check with your insurance company to see if they offer coverage for this specific program. Not to mention, you’ll want to confirm that your policy covers care by your preferred dentist.

Dental Crowns: Bottom-Line

Now that you have an idea as to what dental crowns are and why you might need one, it’s time that you book a dentist’s appointment to see whether you need one or not. Get in touch with the best dentist in NYC by contacting Ideal Smiles Dentist of Staten Island NY.

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