How to Prevent and Treat Gum Disease for Optimal Oral Health

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the gums become inflamed and infected due to a buildup of bacteria and plaque. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss and other serious health problems. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent and treat gum disease for optimal oral health. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatments of gum disease, as well as how to prevent it.

Prevent and Treat Gum Disease

Causes of Gum Disease

Gum disease is caused by a buildup of plaque on the teeth and gums. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on the teeth and gums when you eat and drink. If not removed by brushing and flossing, plaque can harden into tartar, which can only be removed by a dentist. Tartar buildup can lead to inflammation and infection of the gums, which can cause the following symptoms:

  • Swollen or red gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Receding gums
  • Loose teeth
  • Bad breath

Treatments for Gum Disease

If you have gum disease, your dentist may recommend one or more of the following treatments:

  • Scaling and root planing: This is a deep cleaning procedure that removes plaque and tartar from the teeth and gums.
  • Antibiotics: Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics to treat a bacterial infection in the gums.
  • Surgery: In severe cases of gum disease, surgery may be necessary to remove infected tissue and restore the health of the gums.

Preventing Gum Disease

Prevent and Treat Gum Disease periodontal issuesThe best way to prevent gum disease is to practice good oral hygiene. This includes:

  • Brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste
  • Flossing daily
  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Visiting your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings

In addition to these steps, there are several other things you can do to prevent gum disease:

  • Avoid smoking and using other tobacco products
  • Limit your consumption of sugary and acidic foods and drinks
  • Use an antibacterial mouthwash to kill bacteria in the mouth
  • Chew sugar-free gum after meals to stimulate saliva production and help remove food particles from the mouth

When to See a Dentist

If you experience any symptoms of gum disease, such as swollen or bleeding gums, it’s important to see a dentist as soon as possible. Your dentist can diagnose and treat gum disease before it becomes a more serious problem. Even if you don’t have any symptoms, it’s still important to see your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings to prevent gum disease and other oral health problems.

Prevent and Treat Gum Disease: Conclusion

Gum disease is a common condition that can lead to serious oral health problems if left untreated. By practicing good oral hygiene and seeing your dentist regularly, you can prevent gum disease and maintain optimal oral health. If you do develop gum disease, there are several treatments available to restore the health of your gums.

Call Ideal Smiles Dental for Expert Treatment

If you’re experiencing symptoms of gum disease or want to learn more about how to prevent it, contact Dr. Shtarkman and Dr. Kluchman at Ideal Smiles Dental. Our  experienced dental professionals can diagnose and treat gum disease, as well as provide preventative care to help you maintain optimal oral health.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Ideal Smiles Dental
2955 Veterans Rd. W,
Suite 2G
Staten Island, NY 10309

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