Solutions for Rotting Teeth

Did you know that over 90 percent of adults between the ages of 20 and 64 have dental caries? Dental caries or tooth decay is a form of bacterial and plaque buildup due to unhealthy dental activities.

Rotting teeth are a major concern when it comes to preserving that beautiful smile. Although the early stages of tooth decay are detectable and reversible, later stages where there may be chances for abscess development may cause irreversible damage.

How Does a Tooth Rot or Cavity Develop?

Acid buildup can occur once the bad bacteria in your mouth start feeding on the sugar you eat and lead to the formation of dental plaque on your teeth. This may occur if you excessively consume sugary drinks, beverages, and other flavorful or sugary food products. Initially, the enamel deteriorates once exposed to the acid.

solutions for rotting teeth

Following the process, the enamel loses minerals, and white spots start to appear. Consequently, there is enamel deformity, which then leads to dentin decay. The bacteria might enter the soft pulp at the center of your tooth, potentially causing the abscess.

There are treatment options such as fluoride toothpaste and other similar oral care products. Nonetheless, once the enamel leads to a painful cavity, there may be a need for extensive dental care and possibly root canal surgery.

Solutions for Decaying & Rotting Teeth

Here are common solutions and treatment options for decaying/rotting teeth:

  • Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride is a beneficial chemical that helps provide essential nutrients to a tooth’s enamel. More importantly, if you have detected tooth decay (i.e., enamel demineralization and white spots) at an early stage, then fluoride treatments can help to reverse the mineral loss.

Keep in mind that in-house treatment procedures contain more fluoride content than normal fluoride toothpaste and gels.

  • Tooth Extraction

Rotting teeth can easily progress into chronic dental pain conditions, leading to the loss of the tooth in worse cases. Ignoring the early stages and letting the bacteria set in the mouth can lead to tooth loss by deepening the cavity into your tooth roots.

Therefore, pulling the tooth becomes the most suitable approach to relieving pain and preventing further oral health damage. Dental bridges or dental implants can also help fill the tooth extraction gap to fight off any potential plaque or bacteria buildup.

  • Fillings

These are restoration processes that involve the use of materials like resins, dental amalgam, and porcelain to treat the rotten tooth in the advanced stage of tooth decay.

  • Root Canal

A root canal is the removal of the soft, infected pulp inside your tooth that is decaying and rotting. A severely damaged tooth promotes bacteria and plaque buildup from the enamel to the roots in the jawline.

After the removal of infected pulp from your tooth, your dentist may perform fillings and apply adequate medication and prevention techniques against future bacterial problems.

  • Crowns

Crowns are an artificial replacement for the natural crown of your tooth. In fact, after removing the infected and damaged area of the enamel, your dentist may consider further drilling of your tooth. This is to ensure that the crown perfectly fits your tooth.

Crowns come in a variety of forms, but the most prominently known is the gold crown that fits right over a tooth.

Preventing Tooth Decay & Rot

Commonly, brushing your teeth twice a day and maintaining good oral hygiene is the key to preventing cavities and tooth rot. However, personal care might not always be sufficient, and therefore, you should not avoid dental checkups.

Your dentist can detect hidden oral health issues during routine checkups and prevent them from becoming a big problem. Above that, you can try to limit sugary in-take, wines, excessive snacking, and other similar unhealthy habits.

Try to drink mineralized water (even tap water has ample fluoride content). Inquire regarding various oral health condition symptoms and the ways to counter them effectively.

The Right Time to Consult a Dentist

Book an appointment with your dentist if you detect tooth decay symptoms and realize the potential damage that may occur in the long run. Tooth decay is reversible at the early stages, and for that reason, it is better to see a general dentist for adequate dental care.

Solutions for rotting teeth | Dentists NY

Apart from that, if you are experiencing pain symptoms and chewing problems due to tooth decay, no matter the magnitude, seek professional dental care. Regular checkups are crucial to the early detection and prevention of severe dental conditions.

Solutions for Rotting Teeth: Conclusion

Are you looking for effective solutions for your rotting teeth? You don’t have to look any further because, at Ideal Smiles Dental, we excel in treating tooth decay and cavities. We rank among the best and experienced teams of dentists and associates in Staten Island NY.

Give us a call at 718-535-1196 to book an appointment today with one of our experienced and compassionate dentists. Check out our official website to learn more regarding our services.

Visit our offices at:

Ideal Smiles Dental
2955 Veterans Rd. W
Suite 2G
Staten Island, NY 10309.


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