What Are Dental Implants and Who Benefits From Them?

If you have had a trauma and, as a result, lost a couple of teeth, you should ask your dentist about dental implants. These are a common way of restoring any missing, damaged or broken teeth. It does not matter whether it is from poor dental hygiene, an accident or a disorder, your dentist may have the perfect solution. Essentially, your dentist will affix a permanent tooth replacement into the spot where the old tooth once was. It is one way of restoring or fixing your smile.

Who Benefits from Dental Implants?

In the past, the most common way you had for replacing lost teeth was a denture. Such false teeth became the brunt of many jokes. Today, while highly improved dentures remain an option, it is not the only one. Removable partial bridges are one such choice. Another possibility is dental implants. You may benefit from implants if:

  • The issue is a single damaged or missing tooth
  • Dental implants will provide better support for a fixed (not removable) bridge in this situation
  • Your dentist believes an implant is a better solution than either a partial denture or bridge
  • You seek a permanent solution
  • You want the missing tooth or teeth to look and act completely natural

A dental implant will also make sure the remaining teeth do not shift and take over the space left behind by the removed tooth giving you an unflattering gap between your teeth or crooked smile.

Dental Implants: The Procedure

If you decide on a dental implant, your dentist will carefully look at your teeth. After x-raying them to determine your bones are strong enough, he or she may recommend implants. By using digital imaging machinery and other computer-related technology the dentist can show you what the results will look like. This will provide you with some idea of the outcome.

The actual procedure involves three basic components. These are:

  • Post – resembles a screw, it is usually made from titanium or a titanium alloy
  • Abutment
  • Crown or restoration

During the process, the dentist places the post into your jawbone. Here, it acts like a tooth root, anchoring the abutment and the new tooth. In fact, the post will actually fuse with your jawbone. This is a process called osteointegration. It will take anywhere from several weeks to months.

Dental implants provide a positive solution to teeth loss. While it is better to have your own teeth, sometimes this is simply not possible. When this happens, contact the knowledgeable professionals at our dental facility about how dental implants may help you smile again.

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