Emergency Dentist in Staten Island

Do You Need an Emergency Dentist in Staten Island?

You aren’t sure if you should schedule an appointment with your Staten Island dentist or find the help you need right away. Unlike other health emergencies, you cannot go to a traditional emergency room for dental help. However, you can get immediate dental care from our trusted team. Knowing when to get emergency dental services is important. In some cases, you may be able to schedule an appointment for the next day, reducing overall costs.

When Shouldn’t You Wait for Dental Care?

In some cases, you don’t want to wait. Emergency dental care is best sought out whenever you are facing symptoms or situations like the following:

  • You have a cracked or missing tooth that is causing significant pain. When this occurs, you could be risking infection if you put off getting dental help. Schedule an emergency appointment.
  • You have an exposed root or nerve. When this occurs, you’ll have very sharp pain that does not dull easily. It’s recommended to get help right away.
  • Your tooth pain is a great deal. If the pain is severe and you do not think you can deal with it, come in to see a dentist.

Emergency dental providers can offer you a number of services. They can provide you with relief from toothache pain, chipped or broken teeth, broken brace wires, lost or loose fillings, abscesses and much more. In every situation, it is best for you to get help if the pain is severe. Don’t wait.

Are You Bleeding From Your Mouth?

Whether from a sports injury or from a tooth extraction, bleeding from the gums can be worrisome. If you are bleeding a significant amount and it does not stop within a few minutes, please visit the closest emergency room. If the bleeding stops but seems to come back when talking or chewing, try to keep your mouth closed as long as possible and come in to see our emergency dentist.

Getting the Care You Need Right Away

It’s always a good idea to schedule routine dental appointments, x-rays and cleanings on a regular basis. This can help you prevent some of the most common causes for emergency visits such as damage to teeth from decay or gum disease. However, when you need help, call our team.

Our emergency dentist is available to meet your specific needs today. Call us for an appointment now.

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